secure work from home tips compiled by Zartis software team members

3 Steps To Secure Your Company’s WFH Culture

How to achieve secure WFH :

When it comes to keeping your company secure, working from home (or WFH) comes with its own sets of challenges. Our Head of Operations, Laura Sanchez, wrote down some of the main measures we took and security technologies we used to make WFH more secure for us. The infograph below gives actionable insights to help you create awareness in your team and implement a secure technical set-up.

Tips on how to work from home (wfh) securely
how to make sure your team is ready to work from home


Interested in a more detailed conversation about #secure WFH?

Feel free to drop us a line at; we are happy to share how we adapted to working 100% remotely.


Check out our other content on #WFH:


– Remote work: how to adjust in today’s world

– Remote Engineering Teams – What We’ve Learned


Zartis is a Digital Services provider. We can provide you with individual remote engineers or build you a whole distributed team that fits your needs in terms of technologies and seniority. From hiring, to equipment delivery, security setup and ongoing support, we take care of the entire process, so you can focus on what matters—building great software. For more details reach out now!

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