Reducing DevOps Costs with Serverless Architecture

reducing cost in devops with serverless architecture

This article will look into Serverless Architecture – what is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages and how you can minimize your DevOps spend by leveraging serverless architecture. This blog is a summary of the webinar held by Andrzej Brozniak, Senior Cloud Engineer and DevOps Consultant. You can watch the full webinar here.   […]

Actor-Model System with Akka.NET

actor-model system with akka.NET

Let’s take a look at Actor Model systems! What is an actor, what can it do for your system as well as potential scenarios that this model might be a good fit.

Event Sourcing with CQRS

event sourcing with CQRS

Keith Redmond, VP of SaaS Engineering at Fenergo, shares his insights on how to utilize Event Sourcing with CQRS in your application development. 

Simplify Your SDLC with Azure DevOps

software development lifecycle with azure devops sdlc

Bosky Atlani, Principal Engineer at Concert Health, shares her insights on how you can simplify your software development life cycle (SDLC) management using Azure DevOps.

Tools for Testing Microservices

testing microservices and useful tools

This article explores the testing tools and techniques you can use at each stage of your software development when working with microservices. Before jumping into the specific tools, we advise to read the previous blog from this series – Testing Microservices – for a broader introduction into the topic and a detailed overview of the […]
