Testing Microservices

testing microservices

Make sure you are not deploying a microservice with broken code utilizing a proper testing plan and reaching maximum coverage.

How To Save A Fortune On Azure Kubernetes Service

cost saving strategies for Azure Kubernetes Service, also known as AKS

DevOps teams can quickly spin up multiple Kubernetes clusters for development, test, and production. And it’s all beautiful… until the first invoice comes. Click here to find out how to save on AKS!

Harnessing the Power of Microservices with the ELK Stack

Harnessing the Power of Microservices with the ELK Stack written by Slawomir Pawluk, who works as an outsourced Software Developer at Zartis

In the following article we will explore the capacity of the ELK stack to get the most from a microservices approach to software development. Microservices bring plenty of opportunity for a more efficient approach to creating software products, along with some drawbacks and potential risks. When properly used, ELK has the potential to reduce these […]

The Evolution of C# Language

the evolution of the C# language

The objective of this article is to describe how a language like C# evolves over time and all the management that it implies for future language releases.

3 Undeniable Characteristics of Modern Web Apps

characteristics of modern web apps

There’s no two ways about it: modern web apps are the future. In a previous post, we explained how they are more flexible, cost-effective, and offer a more seamless software integration than legacy systems. They also utilize a modern stack which enables greater compatibility. In this post, we’ll take a look at some other characteristics of […]

3 Hidden Costs of Maintaining Legacy Software

legacy software maintenance and modernizing your tech stack

While many new startups emphasize being on the cutting edge of technologies and technological innovation, the reality for most companies that have been in business a while is that they are dealing with some form of digital transformation of legacy systems. What are Legacy Systems? Legacy systems usually refer to mission-critical technology, that were developed […]
