Top Tips for Modern Software Development
Today, building software effectively is more important than ever. Companies need a rapid ROI and get apps to market quicker. Check the tips from our engineers!
Advantages of Single Page Applications
#SPAs Single page applications (SPAs) are becoming increasingly popular, and while they are not the right solution for every web application project, they hold some significant advantages over the multi-page approach. Let’s take a look at why you should consider this route. Separation of Concerns + Performance SPAs allow engineers to focus on a modular […]
Secure Coding: First Steps and Best Practices
You have been pwned Security plays a significant role in our lives today. Password policies, encryption, multi-factor authentication – you name it. But there’s more to say about security. When coding, you have to answer basic questions like Are your libraries up-to-date? Is that super-duper encryption algorithm secure enough? Is my application prepared for the […]
Software Size Matters
Software Size When building software, you are in a constant state of decision-making. Size is involved in plenty of these critical decisions. That is why software size matters. In this post we will make a small introduction to these elements and cover them in more detail in future tech blog-pieces. Every time we are making […]
Choosing a Test Automation Framework
#test automation The rise in popularity of agile methodologies and increasing adoption of DevOps has had a big impact on quality assurance (QA) and testing. The use of iterations in the Agile process, and DevOps’ reliance on continuous integration and delivery (CICD) have prompted a movement from manual testing towards automation testing. Software Development Engineers […]
.NET: Prepare your company for the future
In this piece we will look into the changes coming in .NET framework during 2020 and ways to get ready for the transformation ahead. It’s always complicated to update your old stack in small increments. There are some strategies that could help you to handle these changes.
How to Untether your WebApps with Observables and RxJS
If you’re a developer and you like to stay on top of things, chances are you’ve heard the term “Observables” by now. If you haven’t, you’re welcome, this is for you. And if you’re already familiar, well, this article might give them a new spin. First off, I want to make clear that this take […]
What the Concurrent Mode on React Can Do For You
It seems that React is doing it again. Their new Concurrent Mode paradigm is in the books for a release this year. Remember in February 2019, when we were all hustling to learn Hooks? I do, with fondness. It felt refreshing to finally have a good excuse to move away from Class components and their […]
Guide To Predictive Analytics – Step By Step
#BI No matter the size of your company, be it a start-up or a big corporation, neglecting the power of applying advanced analytics to your data could mean setting yourself up for failure. In this article we are going to explain the typical steps that companies go through to reach a stable and effective predictive […]
SCD Implementation with Temporal Tables in Power BI
#SCD Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) (dimension data that is slowly and unpredictably updated over time, instead of being updated regularly) are usually an important part of any data warehouse implementation. With SQL Server 2016, Microsoft gave us temporal tables, which lets us automatically keep a history of data changes in a table. In this article, […]