Patricia Perez: “My First Two Weeks At Zartis…”

Patricia Perez, Zartis tech team member

I am originally from California where I studied Social Work at California State University, Los Angeles. I then moved to Madrid over a year ago to study International Business. As soon as I was ready to get back into the workforce, I had the opportunity to join Zartis as a Talent Consultant. My first 2 […]

We Succeed When You Succeed

4 software team members joining hands in collaboration

To come to the above conclusion, as a  fast-growing outsourcing company, we had to dig deep. First, we tried defining what success meant to us but we quickly came to realize that our success depends heavily on the relationships we are building between clients and candidates. So instead, we have started investigating what we actually […]

Meet one of our Talent Consultants: Gözde Dinç

Gozde Dinc, former Zartis talent consultant

Hi! I am Gözde. I am from Turkey and I hold a master’s degree in Work, Organizational and Personnel psychology and bachelor in Psychology. I have studied and lived in different countries; the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Cyprus. It is going to be my 3rd month soon at Zartis, Madrid office as a Talent Consultant. […]

Learning How to Rise to the DevOps Challenge

Zartis event flyer for 'The DevOps Challenge' IT event

Irish Embassy, Madrid June 22, 2017 Our team at Zartis had the pleasure last week of hosting thought leaders of companies from the US, UK, Ireland and Spain for a lively discussion around the advent of DevOps, at the Irish Embassy in Madrid. As guests of the Honourable David Cooney, Irish Ambassador to Spain, attendees […]

Moving to Ireland from South Africa

software and technology companies in Dublin, Ireland

In the light of the recent world events and the changing market demand, we have been focusing our business more on enabling remote work internationally.

Advice on moving to Ireland

tech community members in the streets of Dublin, near the Grand Canal

Here are are some of the things you will need to get in order once you arrive in Ireland. Unfortunately none of these things can be done before you arrive, you need to be here in person. A lot of the things covered here are only applicable if you do not hold an EU passport. […]

Looking for a tech job in Ireland? Sharpen your video interview skills.

graphic about video interviews for tech employees

Location, location, location Yes, you can see them. Don’t forget that’s a two-way street. Crashed out on a tatty sofa with last night’s wine glasses and an overflowing ashtray visible in the background is not a good look. Choose a spot where you’re unlikely to be disturbed by background noise or passing traffic (human or […]

Early stage tech career? Start like you mean to continue.

a baby holding a black computer mouse

Early career tech candidates are inundated with advice on everything from what to wear to the interview to the best programming languages to learn, tools to use and areas to specialise in. As we’re fond of pointing out on this blog, tech career success is built on a combination of technical ability and softer, people […]

Skills gap? Training is the key


Counterintuitive as it may seem in a difficult economic climate, companies looking for tech talent have a hiring problem. The phrase ‘Skills Gap’ is bandied about daily but it does beg the question – says who? Are all those open roles really impossible to fill? On this blog we’ve raised the spectre of the endless ‘Unicorn’ hunt […]
