What Developers Want

code lines on screens and a pair of glasses

As the demand for talented professionals in the IT sector is rising more than ever, the debate about what attracts talent has been getting steamier as well. Nowadays, we have to connect with international talent and get them onboard with relocating to where the jobs are. This has us thinking – it will really help […]

Improving the Recruitment Process

software developer technical interview

There are a lot of bad experiences reported by candidates about recruiters and the recruitment process Where does this bad rep come from, and what are the ways that we can improve as recruiters when speaking to candidates and guiding them along the hiring process? To recruiters: “Please include the word ‘kitty’ in your message […]

How To Keep your Talent From Leaving

software consultant in a meeting over a desk with laptop and documents

If you read our “Where Tech Is Headed” series you probably came to the conclusion that companies are engaged in an all-out war for the best talent out there. Here at Zartis we have helped companies from startups with two staff to multinational tech giants, find the best candidates out there. We have even set […]

Glassdoor for Employers: Don’t fear it, learn to love it

glassdoor for IT outsourcing companies

On Facebook, once your profile is set up you can interact with people from all over the world, in all kinds of communities, and share your opinion on all kinds of matters. Glassdoor however, works a little differently. If you are an employer, chances are more than likely that your organisation has a Glassdoor account. […]
