How Software is Changing the Energy Landscape

how software is changing the energy sector

#Energy Software It is clear that software is impacting every facet of human life. From how we shop, work, find love, and interact with friends and family, to our ways of travel, learning and use of natural resources, technology is bringing enormous changes. It is in the realm of energy where many of the most […]

Advantages of Single Page Applications

single page applications (SPAs) and their benefits

#SPAs Single page applications (SPAs) are becoming increasingly popular, and while they are not the right solution for every web application project, they hold some significant advantages over the multi-page approach. Let’s take a look at why you should consider this route. Separation of Concerns + Performance SPAs allow engineers to focus on a modular […]

New Trends in Tech – The Easter Reading List

Our Developers compiled a technology reading list compiled of interesting reads on recent trends in the IT industry. Have a look! Since we will be spending some more time at home during the Easter holidays, we thought it may be useful to share our IT reading list with you, recommended by our developer community at […]

Software Size Matters

size of the software matters

Software Size When building software, you are in a constant state of decision-making. Size is involved in plenty of these critical decisions. That is why software size matters. In this post we will make a small introduction to these elements and cover them in more detail in future tech blog-pieces. Every time we are making […]

Innovation and Profitability: How Diversity Drives your Team

hole for welcome and achieving diversity at workplace and tips

#Diversity Having diverse people and diverse perspectives in a team is indisputably a good thing for any business. Research shows that there is a direct correlation between gender, ethnic and cultural diversity and profitability in an organisation. What’s more, diversity leads to innovation – a key ingredient for successful and sustainable technology businesses.  Yet remarkably, […]

Remote work: how to adjust in today’s world

#Remote Work As remote work has become a must rather than a choice, we thought it may be useful to share a few things that helped us in managing remote teams. We have had a few hiccups along the way, but we have learned valuable lessons and today we are operating a business, able to […]

.NET: Prepare your company for the future

.NET - prepare your company for 2020 and 2021. Author Angel Benito, Zartis CTO

In this piece we will look into the changes coming in .NET framework during 2020 and ways to get ready for the transformation ahead. It’s always complicated to update your old stack in small increments. There are some strategies that could help you to handle these changes.
