IT Staff Augmentation vs. Technology Consulting: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business

IT Staff Augmentation vs. Technology Consulting: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business

If you’re looking to elevate your software development efforts but feel your core team could use additional support, bringing in external expertise might be a strategic move. Two popular options in this regard are IT staff augmentation and technology consulting. Both solutions involve integrating external team members to help build new products, modernize existing software, speed up delivery times, and maximize cost efficiency. However, IT staff augmentation and technology consulting are distinct services, and choosing the right one depends on your specific business objectives. This guide will help you determine which solution might be the best fit for you.


What Is IT Staff Augmentation?

IT staff augmentation is essentially a seamless extension of your existing staff using dedicated development teams. Also known as extended software development, this model allows internal and external teams to collaborate closely on projects, sharing tasks and milestones while maintaining real-time communication. Unlike full project or product outsourcing—where the entire software development lifecycle is handled by a third-party vendor—staff augmentation involves integrating external experts directly into your in-house team.


When to Use IT Staff Augmentation

The IT staff augmentation model is best suited for:

  1. Projects Requiring Internal Team Involvement: Some complex or long-term projects necessitate internal expertise and oversight. In these cases, having external developers work alongside your in-house team can provide the additional knowledge needed while allowing you to retain control over the development process.
  2. Filling Skill Gaps: If your internal team has the capacity to manage a project but lacks certain skills, staff augmentation is an effective solution. It enables you to bring in specialized talent to complement your existing team’s abilities.
  3. Scaling Quickly and Efficiently: For organizations looking to rapidly expand their development capabilities, setting up a remote development team can be faster and more cost-effective than hiring full-time employees. This approach is particularly advantageous for companies with limited experience in tech recruitment or those located in regions with lengthy hiring processes.
  4. Managing Fluctuating Project Demand: When you need extra help for a short period or a one-off project, staff augmentation offers a flexible solution. This model is also suitable during uncertain times, such as economic downturns or when testing a new product.


Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation

  1. High Degree of Control: One of the main advantages of IT staff augmentation is that it offers nearly the same level of control over the development process as managing a project entirely in-house. You have the autonomy to select, manage, and collaborate with your remote engineers, much like you would with your internal team.
  2. Time and Cost Savings: Staff augmentation companies handle most of the administrative tasks associated with recruiting software engineers, including interviewing, onboarding, and setting up workstations. This streamlined process allows you to scale your team quickly and cost-effectively, which can accelerate project delivery times.
  3. Increased Agility: IT staff augmentation allows you to tap into a global talent pool, making it easier to find technology experts with specialized and in-demand skills. This can be especially beneficial if your local market is too small, competitive, or expensive for your needs.


What Is Technology Consulting?

Technology consulting (sometimes referred to as software engineering consulting or software development consulting) involves seeking expert advice in areas where your organization lacks sufficient experience or in-house knowledge. This service is ideal when you need strategic guidance to optimize IT infrastructure, modernize legacy systems, or migrate applications to more advanced architectures, such as microservices or cloud-based solutions.


When to Use Technology Consulting

Technology consulting is a suitable option if your goal is to:

  1. Fundamentally Change Your Software: If you aim to radically modernize and optimize your existing applications, technology consulting is essential. By engaging highly specialized experts, you can ensure that your updated systems are well-equipped to support your future success.
  2. Accelerate Product Design and Time to Market: Consultants can provide the strategic direction needed to expedite the design process and bring products to market faster.
  3. Update Legacy Software: External consultants are often called upon to refresh outdated tech stacks, ensuring that systems remain relevant and efficient.
  4. Design New Products Without Internal Testing Capabilities: If you want to create a product but lack the capability to test it internally, external consultants can offer the expertise needed to design and implement the solution effectively.


Advantages of Technology Consulting

  1. Peace of Mind in Unfamiliar Territory: Organizations venturing into new fields or exploring different development approaches benefit from partnering with industry experts. Technology consultants can guide you through the process of designing and launching advanced solutions that meet your technical requirements and business goals.
  2. Cost Reduction and Higher ROI: Experienced technology consultants can significantly reduce the financial risks associated with introducing new solutions. Their in-depth industry knowledge allows them to recommend cost-effective strategies, helping you avoid costly mistakes.
  3. Flexible Contract Arrangements: Technology consulting services can be contracted for both long-term projects and short-term, fixed-period engagements. This flexibility ensures that you receive the necessary support while keeping operational costs in check.


IT Staff Augmentation vs. Technology Consulting: The Final Verdict

While distinct, IT staff augmentation and technology consulting are not mutually exclusive. Depending on your project needs, you may find value in one or both services. You can often source these services from the same vendor, which is beneficial if you’re seeking a long-term outsourcing partner capable of meeting your current and future development requirements.


Combining IT Staff Augmentation and Technology Consulting: A Zartis Case Study

For a real-life example of a project that required both IT staff augmentation and technology consulting, consider our collaboration with Fexco, Ireland’s leading fintech company. In 2016, Fexco aimed to update its tech stack, develop a new API, and migrate its monolithic, on-premise legacy software to a cloud-based solution with a microservices architecture. This complex project required both extensive work and highly specialized technical expertise.

We tackled the challenge by first providing Fexco with technology consulting services to help them map out a strategic path forward. We then assembled a dedicated development team that seamlessly integrated with Fexco’s internal engineering department, successfully completing the project.


IT Staff Augmentation or Technology Consulting? Find Out Which One Is Right for You

If you’re unsure which type of external assistance your project requires, Zartis can help. We offer both in-depth technology consultation services and staff augmentation, depending on your needs. Whether you need strategic guidance or simply want to scale your development capabilities quickly, our team is here to provide the support you need.

To explore your options further, reach out to us today, and we’ll help you find the right solution for your project.

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