level up partnership with alltalk training

Level Up Partners with AllTalk Training

Level Up is excited to announce a new partner, AllTalk Training, which is generously helping our cause by providing the Level Up alumni with scholarships to their Professional English Toolkit course.

AllTalk Training have been delivering training to improve communication within multicultural teams since 2017. They offer various solutions, including on-demand courses and live virtual training sessions. Whether you require business English training or intercultural communication training, they can provide a training plan delivered in an engaging and accessible way to employees.

Their contribution to Level Up will enable our alumni to upskill the soft skills required in the modern workspace today and enable them to communicate in English with better proficiency. The program is 100% flexible, supported, and online; this means anyone around the globe can access the course material in their own time. 


alltalk training scholarships for level up


Why We Partnered with AllTalk Training

Our goal in Level Up has always been to improve the lives of individuals through training and job opportunities that empower them to take control of their lives. Thanks to AllTalk Training, our alumni will build confidence in using the English language in work-related situations, as well as develop cultural awareness for intercultural exchanges. This, without any doubt, will increase their chances of getting hired and being successful at the job they undertake. 


“We know very well the challenge that language and intercultural skills can present to those who are non-native speakers of English looking for work in countries and companies where English is the common language. If professionals do not have the means to improve their English and intercultural skills, they are at a significant disadvantage when compared to those who have already had the opportunity to upskill in these areas or indeed have the means to do so themselves. Therefore, at AllTalk Training, we are thrilled to partner with Level Up to offer their alumni the opportunity to develop these essential skills on our Professional English Toolkit course. We hope that this will help the alumni to secure employment and allow them to work successfully in multicultural workplaces now and well into the future.”

Brigid Farrell, Founder and Director of AllTalk Training


If you or your company are interested in supporting Level Up and becoming part of our growing partners network, please feel free to reach out to us any time or personally contact our Program Manager, Adnan Tuccar, at adnan@zartis.com.

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