Dublin high tech work center

Leveling Ireland Up

As some of you may have heard already, Zartis is now running a social initiative, Level Up. The initiative was brought to life by Zartis together with Irish firms and institutions who are willing to contribute to support refugees and asylum seeker in the country. In this piece, we wanted to give a brief recap and tell you why and how we started this initiative.


The initiative, called Level Up, involves identifying highly-motivated candidates, providing them with free online training, and introducing them to potential employers.


WHY Should We Level Up


When it comes to integrating refugees and asylum seekers in Ireland, we noticed that the debates in the media mostly focused on economy and unemployment. We believe that jobs are also vital on the personal level. For each refugee, asylum seeker or family, a job is the means to making it out of temporary accommodation centres. A job can help an asylum seeker or refugee support their family and contribute to the economy, and help them achieve the same standard of living as everyone else and thus, feel part of society.


HOW Can We Level Up


The idea came from the fact that we wanted to sponsor 1 person in need of education support. Make a change one person at a time. When we opened the idea to our team members and asked for their input, one idea stood out. We realised, we should not be helping only one person through a long and expensive traditional university degree. We should use our own resources and utilize them to create as many chances as possible.


The rest came about naturally when asked the questions; what is our company best at and what resources do we have to offer to people. We are an IT Services firm that could provide technical and financial support plus, literally, jobs. Life-changing, integration-fostering jobs.


We devised a plan and trusted the goodwill of our network and other Irish institutions. The plan was to provide asylum seekers and refugees in Ireland with access to IT training and introduce them to our friends and clients. We started reaching out to prestigious institutions in the sector that could partner with us to provide online training and in no time we got the good news from the Code Institute and the Digital Marketing Institute. Huge thanks on behalf of Zartis and the participants!


12  candidates will have the chance to take courses in software development and digital marketing. We hope to see great results and extend this project with the help and support of other organisations.  Expressions of interest from a number of organisations, both home and abroad are already coming in.  


If your organisation is willing to  contribute, we would love to hear from you. Do you have the means to provide our candidates with funding or spots for joining online training courses?

Would you consider our graduates as entry level employees?

Do you know someone who can benefit from the courses?


Send us an email at sayhello@zartis.com and share your ideas!

If you do not have the connections or means to help, you can help by spreading the word!

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