software and technology companies in Dublin, Ireland

Moving to Ireland from South Africa


In the light of the recent world events and the changing market demand, we have been focusing our business more on enabling remote work internationally and relocating jobs to talent. Since, the opportunities of relocating Engineers from South Africa right now is limited, we wanted we want to invite you to check some of our other services and resources that might be useful for you:

Our careers page

Our Blog post about remote work success

Our Blog post about remote engineering teams

South African professionals have traditionally considered moving to the UK, Australia and New Zealand. Today we’re seeing more and more move to Ireland. Here’s what makes Ireland a great choice for software developers interested in moving overseas.

Ireland will soon become the only English speaking country in the European Union. Because of that more international companies will chose Irish cities like Dublin or Cork as their European HQ. International tech companies with European HQs in Ireland already include Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Oracle, LinkedIn, and Slack. The list goes on and on.

Ireland is a safe place. Most South Africans who move over here usually take some time to adjust to the fact that you can walk just about anywhere on your own, even at night. You just don’t get the level of crime that unfortunately is happening in SA. Nowhere is perfect but crime and corruption rates are very low by international standards.

Ireland is a place of equal opportunities. Skilled foreign workers are in high demand across the country. Irish people are known to be friendly and in the tech sector there’s now a huge proportion of people who migrated here for work or personal reasons.

The pay and career opportunities are excellent. The tech sector is the best paid sector in the country. Taxes and rent are high but so too are salaries. There are great opportunities to work for large multinationals, or fast growing local companies.

If you have an offer of employment from an Irish company the immigration process is relatively fast and straightforward.

At we’ve helped a lot of South Africans move to Ireland. There are peaks and troughs in demand at any given time for different skills. Right now for example we’re seeing very strong demand for frontend developers with a CS degree and a good knowledge of JS.

Living and working overseas is a great thing to do and there are strong Irish/South African connections. I moved to South Africa to study in Rhodes and worked in Jo’burg before returning to Ireland. The weather isn’t as good here but you can buy boerewors locally and take your chances with a braai.

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