#6: The Dot-com Bust – Story of Software Podcast

This is the second episode of our two-part podcast series on the Dot-com bubble of the late 90s. From Dot-com boom to Dot-com bust. Find out what happens!

This is the second episode of our two-part podcast series on the Dot-com bubble of the late 90s. While in episode 5 of our tech podcast we explored the inflation of the bubble, we are now looking at the bust.


Note: The ‘History of Software’ podcast has been rebranded to The Story of Software. The focus remains on exploring technology from an evolutionary perspective of trying to understand how what we know today came to be. We will continue to explore topics from the early dawn of software technology to the state-of-the-art today and what is envisioned to come next.


Between the years 1995 and 2000, there was a 4-fold increase in the NASDAQ index and a level of VC investment in the sector which has never been seen before or since. As the bubble burst from peak to trough, there was an 80% decline in the NASDAQ index, which took almost 15 years to recover. More than half of the startups of this period went under.

In the context of the wider economic picture, we look at our own history. The Zartis Founder,  John Dennehy shares the stories of experiencing the bust first-hand and walks us through the first version of Zartis – a company he founded and sold in the late 90s. The Zartis we know today is 2.0.


You can find our podcast on:

Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherDeezer, & Youtube.


We hope you enjoy listening to our software podcast and share any feedback with us: podcast@zartis.com.

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