#29: Cloud Economics & Maximizing your ROI – Story of Software Podcast

Padraig Coffey, CEO at Zartis and podcast host, is joined by Oisin Hurley, CTO at Swrve, as they discuss cloud economics and how to maximize your return on investment.



On cloud computing and its costs


The Guest – Oisin Hurley, CTO at Swrve


Oisin has spent the last 15 years leading software teams and is currently working as the CTO of Swrve, delivering real-time, multi-channel customer engagement software. Oisin is an expert in cloud-enabled, complex systems and today we hope to get his insights on how we can leverage cloud technologies, while maximizing our Return on Investment (ROI).


Why is this topic so important?


Cloud economics is the study of cloud computing’s costs and benefits and the economic principles that underpin them.

After payroll, cloud fees are often the highest cost technology companies face. Managing those correctly can be essential to running a sustainable and scalable business.

Tune in as Oisin walks us through what precipitated the rise of cloud computing; the main mistakes people make that can lead to astronomical cloud costs; who are the key people in your organisation who need to understand cloud costs and how each can make an impact – architects, engineers, sales people drafting deals; what is coming up next in this space.


Episode Preview:


Some interesting articles on cloud computing and cloud economics:

How To Save A Fortune On Azure Kubernetes Service

Reducing DevOps Costs with Serverless Architecture

Simplify Your SDLC with Azure DevOps

Azure Application Insights: Collecting Business Critical Information


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We hope you enjoy listening to this tech podcast and feel free to share any feedback with us: podcast@zartis.com

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