#32: Being Fit For Purpose – Story‌ ‌of‌ ‌Software‌ ‌Podcast‌ ‌

Padraig Coffey, CEO at Zartis and podcast host, is joined by Chris Brook, Co-founder at FINBOURNE Technology, as they discuss being fit for purpose as your company grows.


On Scaling Technology Companies


The Guest – Chris Brook, Co-founder at FINBOURNE Technology.

Chris Brook is a Co-Founder and Engineer at FINBOURNE Technology. FINBOURNE Technology builds tools that power investment data processes for everyone from start-up fund managers to global investment institutions. The company was founded in December 2016 and just over 4 years later has grown to over 100 employees.


On Being Fit for Purpose As Your Company Grows

In this episode we will explore the ways in which companies need to change and evolve as they grow – particularly as you go from that early stage startup to a more established company.  Chris shares his insights on scaling a company in a short space of time:

  • Established companies vs startups.
  • What is important when you’re a company of a few vs a much larger engineering organization.
  • Technological strategy evolution in a high growth setting.
  • Key milestones and growth management strategies.
  • Key ingredients to success.


Episode Highlight


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