Level Up initiative by Zartis helping asylum seekes and refugees get into IT jobs

A Thank You Letter From A LevelUp Alumni

Level Up is a social initiative helping asylum seekers and refugees find professional roles in Ireland’s IT sector. The initiative involves identifying highly-motivated candidates, providing them with free online training, and introducing them to potential employers.

When we decided to start the LevelUp initiative, the idea was to help refugees and asylum seekers in Ireland to get jobs in the tech sector. We hoped to provide opportunities for ambitious people to make positive changes in their lives. To date, Level Up has not only helped 20+ people and their families, it has also been very rewarding, and incredibly humbling.

Last week we received a thank-you letter from one of our current Software Development course students We want to use this opportunity to thank him for being a stand out alumni and wish him nothing but success in the years to come.


I came from a poor family. My dad passed away when I was 2-years-old. People unlawfully branded him a war criminal. Before I was born, my family members were forced out of our village because of my fathers political views. After he died, my mom‘s family helped us financially. Sometimes we didn’t have enough money to have 3 meals a day. My elder brothers didn’t go to college, so that they could help and support our family as we were many and it was hard for my uncles to be the sole supporters. Grown up in a less privileged community has helped me realise the true value of higher education.

Since I was young, I was attracted to Information-Technology. All my classmates used to own a desktop PC. I always wanted one but because my family had poor financial condition, we couldn’t afford it. I used to go to the public library, but so many people used to go there to use the computers. I recall being amazed using the PC, and the amount of tasks that could be done with it. Since that time, it became my dream to become a Software Developer and make software that helps people. I used to tell myself if I study and become a highly educated person then people will respect my mom and my family and will stop talking negatively about my father.  But unfortunately, my family’s financial situation was so bad that I couldn’t go to University to pursue my dream. But that didn’t stop me, therefore, I decided to study online with free classes.

A few years later, my mom and uncle decided to send me abroad to help and support my family financially. But living in the asylum system was hard, you were not allowed to work or study until recently, people did not respond upon greeting because of my background. By this time, I had lost all hope to stay alive and ended up suffering from depression and anxiety.

Luckily one of my friends told me about a software development scholarship offered by Zartis and the Code Institute. I decided to apply and try my luck for the last time. I got interviewed  and a few weeks later received an email saying I was accepted. I was over the moon.

“Now, every day I wake up with hope for a better future. Knowing that when I complete my course I’ll have a good life makes me excited about every tomorrow. I’m trying my best to study hard and finish my course as soon as possible so that I can get a job as an entry-level software developer and start giving back to the community. I will be able to live a normal life, and help my family members as well.”

In the future I want to work as a volunteer to help the community by teaching people programming. I love helping people and I want to help people to change their life, the way Zartis did for me.

Again, thank you so much, I assure you that I will make the best out of this opportunity and make every effort to help others in my own way.

Yours Sincerely,

We’ve kept this letter anonymous at the request of the candidate. 

To apply for a spot or to get involved as a potential employer, reach out today through the official Level Up webpage – together we can create many more stories like this.

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