Berlin river and Berliner Dom near the museum island

How Zartis can help you hire international IT talent in Berlin

If there is one business fact that has always been true in IT recruitment it is that the demand is higher than the supply. And the gap is growing bigger.

The economic crisis of a few years ago pushed a lot of IT talent from the hardest hit countries to the more stable economies. However, today, we see a huge slowdown in EU mobility for IT specialists.

If you’re aiming to grow a development team onsite, the fastest way to hire and grow is to hire non-EU talent.

The benefits of hiring non-EU tech talent.

> The quality is very high.

We work a lot with Latin American developers. One of the many reasons is that as a general rule they are very quick to adopt and work with the newest technologies. Additionally, many would work on projects for US and even European clients and have the international experience of working in English in a multicultural setting.

>It’s quicker to hire at scale.

Non-EU candidates are generally more motivated to move jobs and countries for opportunities in Europe. Motivated candidates means less time to build a pipeline. They’re usually more responsive in scheduling interviews and less likely to dropout throughout the process.

Additionally, they would rarely have more than 1 month notice period, in comparison to 2-3 months in many EU countries. While the visa process does take a few weeks, this can still be faster than the waiting time for a EU candidate.

>You can choose the best.

The percentage of (for example) Latin American developers interested in relocating for roles in Berlin is disproportionately higher than the % of those willing to relocate within Europe. From a recruitment point of view – you get to choose the most suitable candidate for you rather than settling for the available one.

What do we do at Zartis?

>Find the best talent globally.

We’re a recruitment firm, focused on IT. We’ve been relocating talent for years. We know the international landscape – we know where to to find and how to engage the best professionals.

>Guide them through the relocation process.

We’ve relocated hundreds of developers to jobs across Europe, including Germany and more specifically – Berlin. We know what it takes for a candidate to move. We guide candidates through the process and requirements.

>We can handle the visa process on your behalf.

While it may seem scary and overwhelming at first, the visa process in Germany is fairly simplified for high-skilled (Blue Card) workers. While we’re not a relocation agency ourselves, we work with trusted local partners, who can take care of the visas for you.


Are you looking to hire international talent?

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